Hi, it is
nice meeting you

Welcome to my online portfolio.

My Background

During quarantine in 2020, I started learning different programming languages, such as Python, C#, JavaScript and Java, learning the key differences and the use of each one, so I had knowledge of the options before specializing in one of them.

From there I moved into backend development. First I learned how to write a simple store backend with Django, as Python was the language I feel most comfortable with. Then I looked into NodeJs, as I thought JavaScript is a key language to know.

Finally, as a curious person who likes to have an understanding of the big picture, I could not help but start learning a bit of frontend development with React and React Native, along with Redux and different CSS libraries.

My Projects

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All Python Javascript HTML/CSS

Vidly - a React Project

A basic frontend project using react and bootstrap, simulating a database for a movie rental site. Pagination, Filtering, Authorization and Authentication, registering users.


A fully responsive webpage, end project of a series of HTML/CSS courses. Created based on a photoshop design using Object-oriented CSS. You can check the code here.

Various HTML/CSS

Single pages done as projects for courses or challenges (some a bit updated, will make them prettier soon 😊)

Done with It

Mobile app developed with React Native as a final project of a react course. The app allows you to publish products for sale and contact owners of other items. Will be published on Heroku, Currently developing the backend.

Vidly Backend - NodeJs

A simple backend for the vidly project, made with Node, Express and MongoDB, RESTful API, middleware, authentication and authorization, CRUD operations, data validation, unit & integration testing, Test-driven Development

Store backend - Django

Backend service for an online store, using Django and MySQL. Data migration, Djangos ORM, filtering, searching, customizing the admin site.

My previous steps

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All Python Javascript HTML/CSS GoLang Java

Let's create something new,